“We suddenly suspect everything might be art.”

Transmedia curation in public spaces - Britta Peters in conversation with Dirk Baumann, Dramaturg at Schauspiel Dortmund.

Ruhr Ding:
Exhibition period: May 8 – June 27, 2021

Following the announcement that the Ruhr Ding: Klima will be postponed until next year, the new period of the exhibition format has already been set: from 8 May – 27 June 2021 the exhibition will be shown in Herne, Recklinghausen, Marl and Haltern am See in an updated and expanded form.

Open Call for Residency

Urbane Künste Ruhr is pleased to announce a new cooperation with the Stiftung Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets in Bochum as part of the residency program Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr.

What if we stop hoping?

Britta Peters, artistic director of Urbane Künste Ruhr, on the current situation and preparations for Ruhr Ding: Klima.

Open Call for Asad Raza project

Apply now to be a Cultivator for the installation Absorption, developed for the upcoming Ruhrtriennale (August 14th September 25th, 2021) by US artist Asad Raza and Urbane Künste Ruhr.

Ruhr Ding: Klima to expand in 2021

With the Ruhr Ding: Klima next May / June, we are planning the second edition of our major exhibition format in the Ruhr area.

Emscherkunstweg to be extended in 2021

On an open space in the Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park, the renowned artist Julius von Bismarck, together with architect and artist Marta Dyachenko, has designed a miniature landscape for the Emscherkunstweg.

Do. 19 Uhr

Ana Alenso & Anna Dobelmann

Where do our raw materials actually come from? How are they mined? And what impact does export to the global North have on the mining conditions and people in the global South?

​Ghost Games*

Participate in an upcoming video and sound installation with artist Natalie Bookchin for Urbane Künste Ruhr by making and sharing some (or even just one!) videos from your phone.

What kind of visibility?

What should we do while public life has come to a halt in the course of the coronavirus crisis?

Subscribe to the new Urbane Künste Ruhr Magazine for free now!

Climate Grief and the Visible Horizon

People today are experiencing, in different and unevenly distributed ways, something that no generation before them has ever experienced: the ongoing loss of the planet as we know it.

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
Another Weekend

​Für die erste Ausgabe des Ruhr Ding: Territorien schuf der Hamburger Zeichner und Künstler Stefan Marx drei permanente Wandgemälde in Bochum, Dortmund und Essen.

Stefan Marx

Accompanying the series of events Wandersalon, the Hamburg artist Stefan Marx draws the Wanderspinne in all her life situations.

2018/19 residencies

The 2018/2019 residencies focus on artists whose work examines the relationship between identity and territorial ascriptions. Urbane Künste Ruhr will investigate these themes in a range of formats until mid-2019.

Mi. 18 Uhr
Taking my Thoughts for a Walk

The Dortmunder Kunstverein and Urbane Künste Ruhr jointly initiate the exhibition Taking my Thoughts for a Walk along Dortmund’s Kampstraße.

Nicole Wermers

In her sculptures, photographs and collages, Nicole Wermers combines formal questions with investigations into urban space and its social, economic and psychological inscriptions.

Sam Hopkins

In his explorative work, Sam Hopkins attempts to find possible answers to current social and political questions. His works, which do not adhere to a single medium, explore and rediscover elements and structures in everyday life.

Natalie Bookchin

As a pioneer of Net Art, Natalie Bookchin was already exploring the structures and aesthetics of the Internet in the 1990s.


In the WerkStadt in the north of Essen, solid skills will become a resonating space for special skills. With the people on site resources for coping with change processes, crises and other challenges will be identified: A laboratory is to be created for resistance, further development and resilience. The invited artists collect social and urban survival, overcoming and resistance strategies from people of different origins and ages.

Wasim Ghrioui

During 2018/2019 Wasim Ghrioui is participating in our residency programme Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr.

Paul Wiersbinski

During 2018/2019 Paul Wierbinski is participating in our residency program Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr.


Henrike Naumann

Jan Brokof

During 2018/2019 Jan Brokof is participating in our residency program Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr.

Nicoline van Harskamp

Nicoline van Harskamp explores the use of language in different contexts in her artistic practice. Her current project focuses on the linguistic development and the creolisation of names.

Ivan Moudov

When, in 2005, Ivan Moudov announced the opening of a Bulgarian Museum of Contemporary Art in a station concourse in Sofia, 200 guests came—and waited in vain.

Stacey Gillian Abe

During 2018/2019 Stacey Gillian Abe is participating in our residency programme Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr.

Tu.–Su. 10–18.00

Peggy Buth: Vom Nutzen der Angst – The Politics of Selection

Exhibition 11.08.-23.09.2018
In her multi-part installation, artist Peggy Buth examines the corporate culture of Friedrich Krupp AG and asks which story is told by whom.
Residency 2020/21

For the year 2020/2021 edition, the focus will be on artists whose work deals in the broadest sense with “climate” and “sleep,” the thematic brackets of the Ruhr Ding editions 2021 and 2022.

Ariane Loze

Ariane Loze’s video works are, from beginning to end, self-produced in the spirit of a one-woman show, in that she plays all the roles herself, being the camerawoman and lighting technician, and responsible for the script, sound and editing.

Suse Weber

As part of Ruhr Ding and in collaboration with the Scenic Research Course at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Suse Weber is undertaking a critical approach to the pigeon, “the racehorse of the common man”, in an installation in public space she is deconstructing the bird’s physiognomy as well as its real and metaphorical significance.

Club Real

Since 2000, Club Real has been realising mainly participative and site-specific performance projects, in which alternative reality scenarios are devised and enacted.

Potholes and intermediate spaces: when art enters life

Recently it was shown again: a white painted clapboard facade in the style of an American suburban detached house rolled through the streets of Detroit.

Ruhr Ding: Territorien (2019)
Materialverwaltung on Tour

The project promotes the further use and recycling of materials, props and, not least, ideas from theatres, museums, film sets and trade fairs.

Etienne Dietzel

Etienne Dietzel was born in1986 in Bad Salzungen (Thüringen). His works, which are frequently developed in cooperation with artists and specialists from various fields, are technical in nature, their appearance relating to their own genesis.

Mi. 19 Uhr

The Image of Climate

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
Solid Skills
Roderick Buchanan

The Scottish artist Roderick Buchanan loves games and sport. He makes them both themes of his work. One game is of special interest to him: football repeatedly appears in his videos, photographs and installations.

Louis Henderson & João Polido

For Ruhr Ding, Louis Henderson has developed a sound installation and several radio broadcasts together with João Polido. To this end, his field research explores to what extent the history of the region’s music has been influenced by industrialization.

Jeewi Lee

The Korean artist Jeewi Lee grew up in both Germany and Korea. Her art is thus characterised by an exploration of heterogenous communication and language.

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
Mein Name ist Sprache
Kasia Fudakowski

Kasia Fudakowski’s conceptual works of art follow strict, self-imposed rules, usually developed and expanded by the artist over a period of several years. This gives rise to subtly humorous series that showcase global issues and the absurdity of certain societal norms.

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
I love you lots mor than you know
Ruhr Ding: Territorien
Human Landscape
Deborah Ligorio

Our relationship to nature and landscape often serves as a point of departure in the work of the Italian artist Deborah Ligorio. Her artistic research connects ecological, technological, and feminist conceptual models, lending them various forms of expression.

2019/20 residencies

For the 2019/2020 edition, the focus will be on artists whose work deals in the broadest sense with “climate”, the thematic bracket of the Ruhr Ding 2020.

Céline Berger

During 2018/2019 Céline Berger is participating in our residency program Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr.

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
Tonspur zur Linken

Since 2006, kitev (Kultur im Turm e.V.) has been working as a laboratory, artist collective and a hub in Oberhausen for both regional and international art projects. kitev is based in the water tower at Oberhausen’s main station, which is not only a venue, but also provides both a point of contact and accommodation for international artists.

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
OMG! Was haben wir getan?!
Ruhr Ding: Territorien
The Pavilion

Roderick Buchanan

Alexandra Pirici

In performative actions lasting several hours, Alexandra Pirici combines contemporary dance with language and space.


Ruhr Network City: The Ruhr Area as a Rhizome

Cities are legible. In La ville comme texte, Michael Butor describes the city as a double text: on the one hand, urban spaces are collections of exposed texts such as billboards, street signs and everyday conversations; on the other, urban space itself has a structure that opens it to perusal through movement.

Voices Offstage: Art in the Time of Cholera

No longer am I rushing from project to project, from one exhibition to another, but need to pause for a moment and ask myself, what actually still has relevance in the face of global crises?

Stop There, Please!

What is the aim of art mediation and what does this collective experience mean for the aesthetic perception of artistic works?

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
More Animals and Plants in the City - The Spielstraßen GmbH
Raul Walch

Addis Ababa, Almería, Baghdad, Fukushima, and Idomeni are just some of the sites for the work of the artist Raul Walch. Driven by his political commitment, the artist not only wants to explore and comment on the world artistically, but also wishes to play an active role in shaping it.

Hans Eijkelboom

Hans Eijkelboom works almost exclusively in extensive photographic series, documenting everyday phenomena with an almost sociological approach.


Wandersalon with Sam Hopkins

Margot Bergmann

In her series Other Reveries, Margot Bergman makes painterly additions to existing paintings that she has acquired at flea markets.

Suse Weber | Ruhr Ding: Territorien (2019)
Betonoper: Die Taube

In the context of the exhibition, Suse Weber is applying the method of de- and reconstruction to the motif of the pigeon or dove.


The Wild West

Over the last 250 years, surely no other landscape has been dug up, hollowed out, filled in and built over as much as the Ruhr region. The slag heaps came about as a by-product of coal mining. The rock excavated down in the galleries was piled into heaps next to the pits. It was called “dead rock”, so it is indeed refuse.

Lawrence Lek | Ruhr Ding: Territorien (2019)


By projecting a scenario where intelligent robots replace human workers within the hospitality industry, Nøtel plays with the tension between the desire for luxury and the spectre of artificial intelligence.

Ariane Loze | Ruhr Ding: Territorien (2019)
Nein Weil Wir

Based on the linguistic codes that every generation reinvents for itself to signal a desire for innovation and revolution, Ariane Loze imagines a quick-fire exchange of generational views in her video installation.

Matshelane Xhakaza

During 2018/2019 Matshelane Xhakaza is participating in our residency program Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr.


The river Emscher flows through the centre of the Ruhr region, connecting a wide variety of urban and rural areas. From the river’s source in Holzwickede to the point where it converges with the Rhine near Dinslaken the Emscher tells of the eventful industrial history in the Ruhr region and various renaturation initiatives. The hybrid cultural landscape that has resulted from this conversion offers the opportunity for a broad range of artistic involvement. Accordingly, the three Emscherkunst exhibitions in 2010, 2013 and 2016 have given rise to sculptural works by, among others, Tadashi Kawamata,Rita McBride and Tobias Rehberger. In the years to come, Urbane Künste Ruhr, together with Emschergenossenschaft and Regionalverband Ruhr will be developing this collection of art in public spaces into a permanent sculpture trail.

Achim Lengerer

Achim Lengerer explores medial language in his practice. He examines images, texts and original soundtracks as vehicles for political power and emancipatory potential.

A2 NS IX A40 – The Emscher Valley

I am in the lowest part of the valley on the northern side and pick the last grapes from the vine by a rusty fence. I look down the path that ends less than twenty metres away. Most of the grapes have already turned brown; I find a couple of edible ones, stand there and look around. It’s a late autumn afternoon in a cul-de-sac, a narrow country lane; the sun has disappeared behind the horizon already. I am surrounded by the motorway (bridge), main roads and railway tracks – both abandoned and in use – on multiple levels and a couple of allotments. Stopping, I eat one grape after another.

Silke Schönfeld

In her films, which range between documentation and fiction to varying degrees, Silke Schönfeld brings different people into focus, be it individual protagonists or social groups.

Monster Chetwynd

Monster Chetwynd stages performances and plays featuring handcrafted, phantasmal costumes and stage sets. The artist also draws inspiration from shamanism, the works of magic realism, or even from animal documentaries.

Voices Offstage: ​Ensemble / together

Being unable to travel for the foreseeable future will crash our lives between the continents, the very heart of our work and, by now, also of our artistic and personal identities.

Katrin Winkler

In the year 18/19 Katrin Winkler participates in our residency program Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr.

Mariechen Danz

With her sculptures, drawings, costumes, and performances, the Irish artist Mariechen Danz plumbs the expressive possibilities, but also the limitations of language, the readability of signs, and the related hierarchical systems.

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
A good-shaped diamond is hard to find
Ruhr Ding: Territorien (2019)

In digital form, the Soundfiles can be experienced as both autonomous works of art and an all-encompassing acoustic framework for Ruhr Ding:Territorien.

Liebermann Kiepe

The Hamburg-based design studio Liebermann Kiepe is on digital technologies has created the first artistic contribution to our Kammerspiel.

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
La Fleur

In collaboration with the choreographer Franck Edmond Yao, the director Monika Gintersdorfer founded the collective La Fleur in 2016, featuring an international group of artists. Ever since, they have been developing dance and theatre performances.

Hayden Fowler

The artist Hayden Fowler, born in New Zealand, studied biology and also ethology, the science of animal behaviour. Today he applies his scientific background to his artistic projects.


bi’bak (Turkish: have a look) is a non-profit organization and cultural space based in Berlin, with a focus on transnational narratives, migration, global mobility and their aesthetic dimensions. bi’bak’s programme examines diverse disciplines in art, academics, and community development, including film screenings, exhibitions, workshops as well as music events and culinary excursions.

Voices Offstage: 33°31’40.0"N 7°48’15.8"W

“Locked down” in Casablanca for over 70 days

So. 14 Uhr

Alexandra Pirici

Artist Talk

Ruhr Ding: Territorien


Mind the gaps

To what extend can art contribute to the acceptance of a new reality?

Di. 19 Uhr
Wandersalon with Hecke/Rauter

On the occasion of the city anniversary, Urbane Künste Ruhr is dedicating itself to the Bochum cult pub “Die Uhle”

Henrike Naumann

In her work, Henrike Naumann reflects on the history of right-wing extremist violence in Germany and the causes of racial prejudice.

Mohamed Altoum

In the year 18/19 Mohamed Altoum participates in our residency program Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr.

Roderick Buchanan | Ruhr Ding: Territorien (2019)

​The Hexagon Pitch /

Unofficial Envoy of the Tartan Army


Territories in Literature or Why has the “Turkish Turn” so far only been talked about in the USA?

Writing about the literature of the “Ruhr-Pott” is a multi-dimensional business but it has one particularly prominent blind spot.

Yukihiro Taguchi & Chiara Ciccarello

As a reaction to the aggressive real-estate market in Berlin and to the difficulty of finding an affordable apartment in the city as a freelance artist duo, in 2013 they built a house using the simplest of means on a vacant plot along the banks of the Spree River in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district and lived in it for a year and a half.

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
Die Dauercamperin
atelier automatique
​Rambling in the Mind

“One could dare to say that hysteria is a distortion of an art creation, obsessive-compulsive disorder a distortion of a religion, paranoid delusion a distortion of a philosophical system.” (Sigmund Freud, Totem and Tabu, 1913)

Lawrence Lek

Based on both real-world locations and fictional scenarios, der Welt. Achim Lengerer [geb. 1970] lebt in Berlin. Lawrence Lek creates virtual worlds in his video works, reminiscent of both futuristic video games and digital visualizations of architecture.

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
Inner and Outer Landscapes
Michel de Broin

The Canadian artist Michel de Broin works at the interfaces of art, technology, and physics. His interdisciplinary practice is based on an artistic-scientific exploration of productivity, consumption, and waste.

Ruhr Ding:
Sa. 10 Uhr
Köken Ergun

For Ruhr Ding, Ergun is showing a video work about beauty contests for Filipino migrants in Israel which he has extended site-specifically for this exhibition project.

Ruhr Ding: Territorien
Tag X
Ruhr Ding: Territorien
The Alt-Right Complex (HMKV)
Euridice Kala

During 2019/20 Euridice Kala is participating in our residency program Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr.

So. 18 Uhr

Stefan Marx

Artist Talk
Odyssee am Silbersee

Water is the essence of life. Water and culture already have something in common then.

By Vlado Velkov

Ari Benjamin Meyers

The composer, conductor, and artist Ari Benjamin Meyers interweaves the art forms of music and the visual arts in his work: many of his compositions, including three operas and countless music performances to date, are performed and presented in exhibition contexts.

Tony Cokes | Ruhrtriennale 2019
Tony Cokes: Mixing Plant

In his multi-channel video installation Mixing Plant Tony Cokes combines animated texts, found images from the media, single colour surfaces and pop music in order to construct new contexts of meaning and present these in thesis form.

Hans Eijkelboom | Ruhr Ding: Territorien (2019)
Urban Culture
So. 18 Uhr

Natalie Bookchin

Artist Talk
Monira Al Qadiri

The history and conditions of coal and oil extraction recur in Monira Al Qadiri’s work.


Mobility and the ability to adapt to new places have become present-day commandments. The national is both losing and gaining in influence, borders fall and are being rebuilt, territories are opened and closed. How should we orientate ourselves in such a chaos-world?

Johannes Büttner

Johannes Büttner’s works of art, including videos, performances, and multipart installations, are devoted to the interdependencies between humans and technology and to the question of how these impact working reality.

Peggy Buth

Peggy Buth works conceptually and process-related with different media.


Hans Eijkelboom

Built on Sand

On the occasion of the Wandersalon on air #27 the artists Deborah Ligorio and Michel de Broin will be in conversation with the curator Vlado Velkov and Britta Peters.

Hecke / Rauter / Thöricht

For many years now, the duo Hecke/Rauter (Alisa Hecke and Julian Rauter) has been exploring the topic of taxidermy through installations, extended performances, and stage productions. For the project Der lange Abschied (The Long Goodbye) as part of Ruhr Ding: Klima, Hecke/Rauter are working with the set designer Franz Thöricht.

Voices Offstage: Fairground Without The Fair

​What does the public space mean in times of Corona?

Assemblies in Crisis

The central social systems are based on us coming together, in schools, universities, parliaments, in courts and mosques - what has Corona made of this certainty?

Tue — Fri 11 am — 5 pm, Sat + Sun 11 am — 6 pm

Die Spielstraße München 1972

Kunst als Kommentar zu den Olympischen Spielen. Eine Ausstellung aus dem Archiv Ruhnau.

Mariechen Danz & Kerstin Brätsch

The artistic work of Mariechen Danz is based on communication and knowledge transfer, placing the human body centre stage. Kerstin Brätsch repeatedly questions the painterly medium itself in her polymorphic pictures and challenges the position of painting in art history and in the contemporary art world.