Healing Complex Takeover

240429a UKR healing Newsletter
Healing Complex 14
Healing Complex 08
Healing Complex 16

Healing Complex (2018-ongoing) is an Urbane Künste Ruhr project initiated by artist Irena Haiduk that tests new forms of social interaction. In the third phase of the project, Urbane Künste Ruhr is now inviting two artists - found through an open call - to take part in a research and work residency. From April to the end of June 2024, Anne Arndt and Camilo Pachón will take over the site and develop a programme for the neighbourhood and other interested parties. The guests will become hosts and open the doors of the Healing Complex as an open studio, inviting people to workshops, walks and readings and seeking dialogue with visitors from Erle, Gelsenkirchen and the surrounding area. In this open process, the Takeover invites visitors to follow and actively participate in the artistic process.

Walking as a democratic means of transport is a central component of our urban experience. But how do we experience urban space and its paths? The evaluation of public space varies depending on the person and perspective - who is allowed to move, when and how? The artist Anne Arndt consciously devotes herself to walking without a practical purpose and invites us to perceive urban space through different lenses. Together with her and local contemporary witnesses, we would like to explore Erle from new perspectives. After the walks, we will meet for Hanging Out_ at the Healing Complex to examine, discuss and reflect on the cultural meanings of walking in our society.

How does community develop and function? What are common values? What do we want to share? What do we want to create together? Camilo Pachón's artistic work is based on the principle that all energy emanates from human relationships. With this in mind, he uses art as a tool to bring people together, connect them on different levels and create situations that encourage direct communication and interaction. Using masks, costumes and rituals from the carnival in the form of workshops and parades, the artist aims to transform the Healing Complex into a "masked temple", The Ancient Masked Temple, in whose transformation everyone should participate.


Ehemalige St. Bonifatiuskirche
Cranger Straße 338-342
45891 Gelsenkirchen

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  • Saturday
    18 h

    Closing event at the Healing Complex

  • We celebrate the conclusion of the Healing Complex together with you and cordially invite you to spend an evening with us with an artistic programme, music and discussions. With contributions by Anne Arndt and Camilo Pachón and the panel discussion Ein Heilungskomplex? with Britta Peters and Kasia Fudakowski, artist and member of the Association for the Palliative Turn, Benjamin Melzer, co-creator and project manager of PACT Zollverein's Werkstadt and Nada Schroer, freelance curator.

  • Saturday
    16 h

    Hanging Out_ reading

  • Reading and discussion with Anne Arndt, Kamala Dubrovnik, Anneke Lubkowitz and others

    How do we move? What makes us move? How do we change from an individual body to a collective body that shapes the future? With the authors Kamala Dubrovnik and Anneke Lubkowitz and other guests, Anne Arndt talks about urban walking and perspectives on the city and its stories. Register now

  • Friday
    16—22 h

    Day of the Sun

  • We celebrate the (almost) longest day of the year!
    With Camilo Pachón, Andi.Andean and the performers Calamidades Lola and Amuleto Manuela

    Every year, Camilo Pachón and his project ‘Carnaval Digital’ celebrate the summer solstice. In Gelsenkirchen, the day begins at 4 pm with a workshop led by musician Andi.Andean, in which the participants put together a drum ensemble. From 7 pm a series of musical interventions from all over the world will follow and the dance ritual Saca Sal by the performers Calamidades Lola and Amuleto Manuela at dusk.

    The number of participants in the drum workshop is limited to 15 people. The workshop will be held in English. Register now

    You can take part in the follow-up programme without registering.

  • Saturday
    14 h

    Hanging Out_ walking + sharing

  • City walk and talk with Anne Arndt

    The city is full of stories: Architectural witnesses speak to us if we are willing to listen, local experts are connected to the neighbourhood through memories. The artist Anne Arndt invites us to perceive the urban space while walking and to combine existing knowledge with new discoveries and experiences during guided city walks.

    Afterwards, the participants will come together again to share their impressions. Everyone is also invited to bring their own photos, maps, stories, books or objects with a connection to Erle, Gelsenkirchen and the Ruhr region as well as to the themes of the city and walking and to share their knowledge about them. Register now

  • Saturday
    14 h

    The Ex-Votos of your Inner Temple

  • With guest lecture ‘Echoes of Slavic Pagan Magic and Philosophy’
    Lecture by Anisia Affek and ceramics workshop with Camilo Pachón

    What connects people with nature? How can this connection be explored and possibly re-established? This event examines the world views of indigenous peoples in Colombia and relates them to the pagan rituals of Slavic cultures. Against this background, the participants will then work together to create ceramics inspired by the connection between humans and nature. Register now

    The workshop will be held in English.

  • Saturday
    14 h

    The Spirit between the Mask and your Body

  • Workshop with Camilo Pachón and Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica

    Using masks, costumes and rituals from the carnival tradition, Camilo Pachón wants to transform the Healing Complex into a ‘masked temple’ and invites you to take part in this transformation. Using the mask as a transformative being and tool, the participants of this workshop will playfully explore rhythmic movements and body practices together with dancer and choreographer Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica. Register now

    The workshop will be held in English and German.

  • Saturday
    14 h

    Beyond the Costume: An Approach to the Spirit of Carnival

  • Lecture performance and mask workshop with Camilo Pachón

    In his lecture-performance, Camilo Pachón presents his research on the spiritual practices of carnival in Colombia, Mexico and Ghana. He examines masking as an ancient cultural technique that is still popular today: masks can dissolve the self and enable us to imagine new worlds and create new connections to people and ecosystems. Based on this, we will then make our own designs and masks. Register now

    The talk will be held in English.

  • Saturday
    14 h

    Hanging Out_ walking + sharing

  • City walk and talk with Anne Arndt

    The city is full of stories: Architectural witnesses speak to us if we are willing to listen, local experts are connected to the neighbourhood through memories. The artist Anne Arndt invites us to perceive the urban space while walking and to combine existing knowledgewith new discoveries and experiences during guided city walks.

    Afterwards, the participants will come together again to share their impressions. Everyone is also invited to bring their own photos, maps, stories, books or objects with a connection to Erle, Gelsenkirchen and the Ruhr region as well as to the themes of the city and walking and to share their knowledge about them. Register now

  • Saturday
    14 h

    Hanging Out_ walking + sharing

  • The city is full of (im)material witnesses, architectural scars speak to us – if we are willing to listen. Local experts are connected to the city in every corner through their numerous memories. During the neighbourhood exploration, the Hanging Out_walking, with artist Anne Arndt, we want to combine existing knowledge with new discoveries and experiences. At the Hanging Out_sharing afterwards, we would like to get together again and chat.

  • Fr.—Sa.
    3.5.— 29.6.

    Healing Complex Takeover

  • Friday
    17—20 h

    Housewarming at Healing Complex

  • The Healing Complex Takeover kicks off with a housewarming: we invite all who are interested from and around Gelsenkirchen to get to know the artists Anne Arndt and Camilo Pachón while enjoying music and a relaxed atmosphere, gaining an insight into their projects and networking.

    Anne Arndt Porträt Foto Anne Arndt Artist ©

    Anne Arndt

    In her cross-media works, Anne Arndt critically and humorously scrutinises our public living space as a mirror of social cultures of power and remembrance.

    Camilo Porträt 1 Foto Sara Alvarado Artist ©

    Camilo Pachón

    With The Ancient Masked Temple, Camilo Pachón aims to create a collective space in the Healing Complex with a programme of workshops, readings, performances and the traditions of carnival.

    Kamala Dubrovnik credits Jörg Lutz Artist ©

    Kamala Dubrovnik

    In ihrer Arbeit begegnet Kamala Dubrovnik uns als Performerin, Vocal Artist, aber auch als Regisseurin, und versucht so einen ganzheitlichen Zugang zur Literatur und ihrer Inszenierung zu schaffen.

    Anneke Lubkowitz Artist ©

    Anneke Lubkowitz

    Anneke Lubkowitz ist Literaturwissenschaftlerin und Autorin. 2018 veröffentlichte sie ihren Essay Falling through the map und 2020 die von ihr herausgegebene Anthologie Psychogeografie.

    Andi Andean c Isabel Plos Artist ©


    Andrés Aravena a.k.a Andi.Andean is a multi-instrumentalist, music producer and DJ specialising in live percussion and rhythm exploration.

    SACA SAL c Tim Bowditsch Reinis Lismanis Dominique Russell courtesy Oscar Murilo Artist ©

    Amuleto Manuela & Calamidades Lola

    Amuleto Manuela (Klangkünstlerin und Kuratorin für klangliche Praktiken von Savvy Contemporary) und Calamidades Lola (DJ Selector des kolumbianischen Karnevals) performen das Tanzritual Saca Sal.

    Maria Mercedes Flores Mujic Ezequiel Angeloni Artist ©

    Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica

    Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica ist eine synkretistische inter(un)disziplinäre venezolanische Tanzkünstlerin. Ihre Choreografien basieren auf der Vielschichtigkeit von Rhythmus und seiner Wahrnehmung.

    Anisia Affek noraheinisch Artist ©

    Anisia Affek

    Anisia Affek ist eine in Berlin lebende multidisziplinäre Künstlerin, die sich mit Fragen der kulturellen Auslöschung und dem Überleben der Identität in unterdrückerischen Umgebungen beschäftigt.

    Nada Rosa Schroer c Museum Ludwig Foto Nathan Ishar Artist ©

    Nada Rosa Schroer

    Nada Rosa Schroer ist freischaffende Kuratorin und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Kunst und Materielle Kultur der Technischen Universität Dortmund.

    UKR Wandersalon 09092020 c Seidel 07 Artist ©

    Kasia Fudakowski

    Kasia Fudakowski’s conceptual works of art follow strict, self-imposed rules, usually developed and expanded by the artist over a period of several years.

    Britta Peters 2023 c Silke Briel Artist ©

    Britta Peters

    Britta Peters works as a curator specialising in art in public spaces. She has been the Artistic Director of Urbane Künste Ruhr since January 2018.

    Artist ©

    Benjamin Melzer

    Benjamin Melzer (*1980) ist Soziologe mit einem Schwerpunkt in Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie. Für das Produktionshaus PACT Zollverein hat er die „Werkstadt“ aufgebaut und etabliert.

    1 Artist ©

    Irena Haiduk

    In June 2022, Irena Haiduk opens the exhibition Healing Complex (2018—ongoing) in the former church of St. Bonifatius, which is becoming a new meeting and community place in Gelsenkirchen.