from the archives. Künstler*innen im Archiv

UKR from the archives 2023 c Daniel Sadrowski 3501
UKR from the archives 2023 c Daniel Sadrowski 3019
UKR from the archives 2023 c Daniel Sadrowski 3037
UKR from the archives 2023 c Daniel Sadrowski 3391
UKR from the archives 2023 c Daniel Sadrowski 3318
UKR from the archives 2023 c Daniel Sadrowski 3033
UKR from the archives 2023 c Daniel Sadrowski 2990
UKR from the archives 2023 c Daniel Sadrowski 3545
UKR from the archives 2023 c Daniel Sadrowski 3609

A cooperation of Urbane Künste Ruhr and Stiftung Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets.

Archives are institutions that serve to collect and store documents of all kinds. But the buildings themselves, in which the objects stored for various reasons and selected according to various criteria are located, are also called archives. Since collecting and storing is done according to certain selection principles, it always has a political dimension as well. For Michel Foucault, an archive is a mobile system of discursivity, that is, a system of relations and statements within which we behave. Moreover, unlike libraries and museums, an archive is also characterised by the fact that only a small part of the archive material is created from the outset as permanent evidence.

So how can an archive be explored artistically? Is there a dormant knowledge in the archive that can only be awakened through artistic access? Where do gaps or breaks appear? Which neglected and untold stories emerge? How can they be recorded and presented? How dynamic are (material) archives actually and what new archives do we need?

For three months, the scholarship holders from Urbane Künste Ruhr and the Stiftung Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets had time to explore the archive material and archiving structures at the Haus der Geschichte based on these and other questions. During their stay, they were able to approach not only regional and supra-regional mining history(s) in an extensive fund of early mining literature, but also to deal with various international social movements since the 19th century through journals and ephemera.

With the event from the archives. Künstler*innen im Archiv, we invite you to get to know the artists' projects in lectures, talks, readings and screenings and to discuss questions that can be derived from the cooperation with the Stiftung Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets together with other guests. We are interested in how artists work in archives, the concept of artistic research itself and how Urbane Künste Ruhr, as an institution without a house, can make artistic research of the region fruitful for itself as a task and mode of action.

We would also like to give you an outlook on the future: From 2024, the residency programme will be transformed into a more production-oriented guest artist programme. Together with three cooperation partners, Urbane Künste Ruhr will invite six artists or collectives to develop a design for a site-specific project during a three-month residency.

The residency programme Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr was launched in 2018 by Britta Peters as a sustainable network project and implemented together with several cooperation partners in the Ruhr region. Artists were given the opportunity to work on site in the Ruhr and get to know the region.

The Stiftung Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets, founded in 1998, promotes research into the history and present of the Ruhr and provides extensive book and journal collections as well as numerous archival materials for this purpose. In the foundation's building - the Haus der Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets - the Ruhr library and the archive in the Haus der Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets are open to all interested parties. Through close cooperation with the Institute for Social Movements at the Ruhr University Bochum, students and scholars from various disciplines as well as mining experts and others interested in the holdings benefit regionally and nationally. The cooperation with Urbane Künste Ruhr has existed since 2021.

The organiser is the Haus der Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets.


11.00–11.45 Uhr from the archives. Einführung
Begrüßung und Einführung mit Britta Peters, Alisha Raissa Danscher, Christoph Seidel

11.45–12.45 Uhr Zusammenziehen
Vortrag und Gespräch mit Rike Frank (Berliner Programm Künstlerische Forschung) und Britta Peters (Künstlerische Leitung Urbane Künste Ruhr)

12.45–13.00 Uhr Pause

13.00–14.30 Uhr Tracing, Recording, Translating
Vortrag und Gespräch mit den Künstler*innen Johanna Gonschorek, Nicoleta Moise und Nollaig Molloy sowie Alisha Raissa Danscher (Kuratorin Urbane Künste Ruhr)
Der Beitrag findet in englischer Sprache statt.

14.30–15.15 Uhr Pause mit Snacks und Kaffee
Währenddessen im Lesesaal (Loop): Screening Black Flags (Skizze) des Künstlers Henrik Nieratschker

15.15–16.00 Uhr Kunst für Arbeiter. Die Kulturarbeit der Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau und Energie
Vortrag und Gespräch mit Holger Heith (Archivar, Haus der Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets)

16.00–16.30 Uhr Touch and go – The Politics of Materiality
Vortrag der Künstlerin Julia Lübbecke

16.30–17.00 Uhr Untertagebuch
Performativer Vortrag des Künstlers Guy Königstein

17.00–17.30 Uhr Gespräch
Gespräch mit den Künstler*innen Julia Lübbecke und Guy Königstein und Dr. Stefan Moitra (Stv. Leitung Bibliothek und Fotothek, Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum)

17.30–17.45 Uhr Pause

17.45–18.45 Uhr Copyright. Aus einem Fotoarchiv mit 4.000.000 Bildern
Vortrag und Gespräch mit Stefanie Grebe (Leiterin der Fotografischen Sammlung/Fotoarchiv Ruhr Museum)

ab 18.45 Uhr Ausklang mit Drinks


Haus der Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets
Clemensstraße 17
44789 Bochum


  • Saturday
    11—19 h

    from the archives. Künstler*innen im Archiv

  • Dr iuditha balint roland gorecki 900x Artist ©

    Iuditha Balint

    Dr Iuditha Balint is a literary and cultural scholar. Before taking over the management of the Fritz-Hüser-Institut in 2018, she worked as a Germanist at various universities.

    Alisha Danscher c Daniel Sadrowski UKR 2024 6673 Artist ©

    Alisha Raissa Danscher

    Alisha Raissa Danscher (*1989 in Herdecke, Germany) is a cultural scientist and curator with a focus on contemporary art. She has been working at Urbane Künste Ruhr since 2020.

    Rike Frank Silke Briel Artist ©

    Rike Frank

    Rike Frank is Managing Director of the Berlin Artistic Research Programme and, together with Vanessa Joan Müller, Artistic Director of the European Kunsthalle, an institution without its own location.

    UKR Johanna Gonschorek 2023 c Daniel Sadrowski 1991 Artist ©

    Johanna Gonschorek

    Johanna Gonschorek's work explores the relationships between memory, epistemes, politics and power relations.

    Stefanie Grebe Foto Christoph Sebastian Ruhr Museum S9 A5450 Artist ©

    Stefanie Grebe

    Stefanie Grebe is a photo historian, photographer, lecturer, curator and, since 2015, head of the Fotografischen Sammlung / Fotoarchiv Ruhr Museum, Essen, at the Zollverein World Heritage Site.

    Holger Heith Artist ©

    Holger Heith

    Holger Heith has been deputy director of the archive at the Haus der Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets since 1998 and conducts research on the Ruhr region, trade unions, mining, youth culture and migration.

    UKR Julia Lübbecke 2021 c Daniel Sadrowski 5422 Artist ©

    Julia Lübbecke

    In her works, Julia Lübbecke deals with the relation between body and institution. She explores this connection to examine dominant structures of order and creates processes to make them fragile.

    UKR Nicoleta Moise 2023 c Daniel Sadrowski 1901 Artist ©

    Nicoleta Moise

    Nicoleta Moise is a visual artist, writer and researcher with different mediums combining photography, video and performance and focusses on making visible less known stories, characters or events.

    Fav1 UKR Artists in Residence Nollaig Molloy 2022 c Daniel Sadrowski 3647 Artist ©

    Nollaig Molloy

    Nollaig Molloy works with moving image, sculptural installation and sound while sometimes using workshop and event-based outcomes, to explore landscape through material means.

    UKR Artists in Residence Henrik Nieratschker 2022 c Daniel Sadrowski 3856 Artist ©

    Henrik Nieratschker

    Henrik Nieratschker's artistic work deals with the social implications of our lives within a digital infrastructure.

    UKR Guy Königstein 1 2021 c Daniel Sadrowski 5327 Artist ©

    Guy Königstein

    In his recent projects Guy Königstein researches the different ways we live the past in the present, for instance through practices of commemoration, archiving or archaeology.

    Britta Peters 2023 c Silke Briel Artist ©

    Britta Peters

    Britta Peters works as a curator specialising in art in public spaces. She has been the Artistic Director of Urbane Künste Ruhr since January 2018.