
20240122 ukr kokerei hansa holtgreve 0249

Open Call: Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr

Urbane Künste Ruhr is awarding six research stays for guest artists with various regional cooperation partners in the Ruhr area for 2024. During the three-month stay, we invite you to develop a context-specific project that is expected to be presented to the public in a curated exhibition in 2025.

The programme is aimed at artists and collectives interested in working in the Ruhr area as well as in taking a contemporary perspective on the polycentric region and its themes. It will be implemented together with the regional cooperation partners Stiftung Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets and Stiftung Industriedenkmalpflege und Geschichtskultur and with different focal points. The connection to one of the cooperation partners and different focal points will create work opportunities and work locations for various artistic practices as well as different thematic approaches to the Ruhr area.

The guest artist programme of Urbane Künste Ruhr is part of the new overall concept under the artistic direction of Britta Peters and builds on the open-ended residency programme Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr, which has been running since 2018. Unlike in the past, the on-site research of the new programme is intended to lead to an exhibition.

Open Call: We invite artists and collectives to develop a draft for an artistic project during a three-month research stay and in close exchange with the curatorial team on site. The project – depending on the suitability – is intended to be part of a joint exhibition in 2025. For your application it is necessary to choose one of the three focal points! From all submissions six positions (two per focus) will be selected by an expert jury.

Time Periods for the research stay:

1. Kokerei Hansa: Aug 1 — Oct 31, 2024
2. Haus der Geschichte des Ruhrgebiets: Sep 1 — Nov 30, 2024
3. Focus Performance: Sep 1 — Nov 30, 2024

New Book by Urbane Künste Ruhr


Nine printed issues of the Urbane Künste Ruhr magazine were published from 2018 to 2023. The individual issues are now brought together in a 670-page catalogue.

Programme 2024 now online!


The start of an artistic-performative tour through the entire Ruhr area will be the highlight of the Urbane Künste Ruhr programme in 2024.