Industrialisierte Zeit

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The Wanderersalon #32 Industrialisierte Zeit is part of the series Ermüdung und Versorgung (Fatigue and Supply), a cooperation between Urbane Künste Ruhr and the Institute for Theatre Studies at the Ruhr University Bochum. The series explores questions around the complex of themes of sleep and infrastructures. In this series we are turning the spotlight on issues surrounding the concepts of sleep and infrastructure. The focus is on scientific and artistic perspectives on the body and time as well as on the interrelationships between visible and invisible infrastructures.


As part of the mobile discourse format of Urbane Künste Ruhr, the Wandersalon Industrialized Time, Hybrid was organized.


  • Wednesday
    19 h

    Industrialisierte Zeit

  • Discussion with Julia Schade (Postdoc in the research training group The Documentary. Excess and Deprivation at the Ruhr University Bochum), Ruth Ewan (artist), Rachael Rakes (curator) and Britta Peters (Artistic Director Urbane Künste Ruhr).

    What temporal structures can be used to organise life today? Whereas with the beginning of industrialisation, work and leisure followed the clock of the machines in strictly differentiated areas, a new division of time is developing due to the increasing post-material ways of working: the growing penetration of all areas of life with the digital makes the separation of the private and the public more difficult, a protected place of retreat must be actively fought for through a temporary exit from the communicative networks. For the global infrastructure itself, with its option for non-stop consumption, work and communication, never sleeps.

    With the event Industrialisierte Zeit (Industrialised Time), we would like to take a look at the historical developments of temporal infrastructures from a scientific and artistic perspective and speculate on possibilities and vanishing points for other rhythms and scalings beyond linear time calculations.

    The organiser is the Institute for Theatre Studies at the Ruhr University Bochum.

    Supported by the AnGuS programme of the Rectorate of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.