Wenn Fahrräder doch nur fliegen könnten

UKR Irrlichtertour Bochum 2019 c Daniel Sadrowski 3414

The Wanderersalon: Wenn Fahrräder doch nur fliegen könnten is not only dedicated to the connections between climate-friendly urban planning and bicycle traffic, but also wants to explore from a curatorial, scientific, and artistic perspective the question of which modalities of perception are linked to the various possibilities of locomotion: how do we experience our surroundings on a bicycle or on foot, and what potentials does the mediation of art in public space on a bicycle have in particular? Why can (getting) lost be so beautiful?
In conversation are Britta Peters, artistic director at Urbane Künste Ruhr, artist and walking professional Jens Eike Krueger, Klaudia Sczendzina, member of the Duisburg bike messenger Pony Riders and architect Dr. Christoph Grafe. The conversation will be moderated by Kim Lempelius, Kunstvermittlung Urbane Künste Ruhr.

The Wanderersalon: Wenn Fahrräder doch nur fliegen könnten is a collaboration between Urbane Künste Ruhr and the E.ON Foundation.

The educational program of the Irrlichter tours is supported by the E.ON Foundation.


As part of the mobile discourse format of Urbane Künste Ruhr, the Wandersalon Wenn Fahrräder doch nur fliegen könnten was organized online.

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