The image of climate

Vorschaubild Stefan Marx

Wandersalon is a travelling event that stops at changing locations in the Ruhr area. Artists, scientists or authors present their work and invite to debate. On 27 January 2021 Elke Grittmann, Erica von Moeller and Brigit Schneider will discuss our image of climate and catastrophe with host Eske Schlüters and the audience: How do movies, series and the weather forecast determine our perception of the climate? How have scientific images of climate developed historically and what can be made visible today? Can information graphics and charts actually be political? And can pictures call for action against climate change? For introduction there will be a presentation in the observatory's planetarium.


As part of the mobile discourse format of Urbane Künste Ruhr, the Wandersalon Das Bild vom Klima was organized online.

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