Between the regular beach and the nudist area at Silbersee II stands Kasia Fudakowski’s (*1985) Climate Changing Room. From the outside, its curved steel arcs are not immediately recognisable for what they are: a changing cubicle. This is because instead of providing reliable protection from view, this delicate construction decorated with fig leaves on mobile steel branches only conceals the essentials – and it only does that from certain angles. The fig leaf is best known in art history for its botanical attribute of covering genitalia when these are required to be hidden from the gaze of spectators.
The title Climate Changing Room is intended as a humorous commentary that combines the two terms ‚climate change‘ and ‚changing room‘. The recurring disputes between ‚regular‘ and nudist bathers around the boundary between their two sections of beach provided Fudakowski with the inspiration for her work.
Climate Changing Room is one part of the group of works Continuouslessness, a series of finely forged steel segments that can be endlessly combined and extended which the artist has produced since 2011. In a similar manner to her video work Word Count, which she is presenting as part of the Ruhr Ding: Klima at the Blumenthal Mine in Recklinghausen, each element of Continuouslessness has its own genesis. Joined together they form one long, multi-coloured screen that can always be reassembled anew in different ways.
- Festival
The installation Climate Changing Room was developed as part of the exhibition Ruhr Ding: Klima and was on display from 02.06. to 27.06.2021 at Silbersee II in Haltern am See.