
20181020 urbane kuenste ruhr holtgreve 0739 preview

On the train, on the motorway or whilst walking through the city, we hear sounds everywhere, whether consciously or unconsciously. Music, audiobooks or news that we listen to on the car radio or via headphones blur together with sounds audible from our environment. What we hear determines how we perceive our surroundings, how we move, or how long the waiting time for the next train feels. In the Ruhr Area especially, an agglomeration of many small towns and larger cities, being on the move is a daily reality. Likewise, the works of art presented in Ruhr Ding: Territorien (Ruhr Thing: Territories) are dispersed across four different cities in the region. In visiting them, visitors move from place to place through the cities or briefly spend time in between them.Soundfiles is dedicated to the space in between, being on the move, waiting and arriving. We have asked artists, musicians, DJs and labels based in the region to put together their own soundtrack for travelling in the Ruhr Area and the places that are passed through in the process, the ones they stop at, or others they have always wanted to travel to.

Every week Urbane Künste Ruhr is releasing one of the Soundfiles on their website. In digital form, the soundtracks can be experienced as both autonomous works of art and an all-encompassing acoustic framework for Ruhr Ding: Territorien, boundless and independent of location they can be listened to everywhere.

Stefan Kirchhoff & Edis Ludwig: Our great floating goddess / traffic jam / delay / cancelled

Denise Ritter: RestlessRuhr
28 Min. 20 Sek

Soundfile #3
DJ Normal 4: Einreise
40 Min. 18 Sek.

1. LSW (Life Style West) - Deutsche Bahn, published at Candomblé Düsseldorf 2019
2. Nils Herzogenrath aka Vomit Heat - untitled, unpublished 2018
3. Nils Herzogenrath aka Vomit Heat - untitled, unpublished 2018

Soundfile #4
Achim Zepezauer: RE1
44 Min. 50 Sek.

Soundfile #5
Elif Dikec
32 Min. 24 Sek.

Soundfile #7
GRAY: Route to IfPoM
33 Min. 34 Sek.

Soundfile #8
Multiface: Holes - or - there is no maps of retreats
21 Min. 42 Sek.


The Soundfiles project was developed by Christina Danick and Jana Kerima Stolzer as part of Ruhr Ding: Territorien from 4.5.—30.6.2019.