OMG! Was haben wir getan?!

Ruhr Ding kitev 6882
Ruhr Ding kitev 6894
Ruhr Ding kitev 6875
Ruhr Ding kitev 6860
Ruhr Ding kitev 6866
Ruhr Ding kitev 6873

Since 2006 kitev has been active in Oberhausen. Located in the water tower at the main station, the group around Christoph Stark, Agnieszka Wnuczak and Stefan Schroer organises a variety of artistic projects within the region and beyond. The founding of the Freie Universität (Free University), an alternative educational institution, and the collaborative construction of the mobile Refugees’ Kitchen, which is now run by refugees, are just two examples of the collective’s work. Recently, they made nationwide headlines after affixing an illuminated sign bearing the legend Vielfalt ist unsere Heimat (Our Homeland is Diversity) to a tower block adjacent to the main station. The building which they have named Oberhaus is an additional long-term project space. All the projects focus on collaborating with local citizens, as well as exchanges with other international artists, architects and urban planners, who are able to stay in the water tower during visits to Oberhausen.

With OMG! Was haben wir getan?!, the group is presenting an exhibition in the water tower about both their previous work and current projects.


The exhibition was developed as part of Ruhr Ding: Territorien and was on view from May 4 to June 30, 2019 in the water tower of Oberhausen Central Station.

20181020 urbane kuenste ruhr holtgreve 0722 preview Artist ©


Since 2006, kitev (Kultur im Turm e.V.) has been working as a laboratory, artists' collective and hub for regional and international art projects in Oberhausen.