Materialverwaltung on Tour

Materialverwaltung on tour DSC 8214
Ruhr Ding Materialverwaltung on tour 6288
Ruhr Ding Materialverwaltung on tour 6289
Ruhr Ding Materialverwaltung on tour 6280
Ruhr Ding Materialverwaltung on tour 6284
Ruhr Ding Materialverwaltung on tour 6274
Ruhr Ding Materialverwaltung on tour 6239
Ruhr Ding Materialverwaltung on tour 6272

Like a circle of wagons, Materialverwaltung on Tour gradually accrues in front of the Colosseum, where various materials and props from cultural organisations can be submitted, looked through, borrow or purchased. The project promotes the further use and recycling of materials, props and, not least, ideas from theatres, museums, film sets and trade fairs. It is a sustainable and diverse collection, that is actively operating with the objective of anchoring the project in the region on a long-term basis. Such a concept has already been established in New York (Material for the Arts) and Hamburg (Hanseatische Materialverwaltung).

Everything that has been salvaged from being pointlessly scrapped is being traded following the maxim that the more non-commercial it is, the cheaper it will be. This is of benefit to, for example, freelance artists, youth group art projects, educational institutions and students without large budgets, who are all supported by the collection. Professional production companies are also welcome and can pay market prices. But it is also worthwhile just browsing; the diverse materials tell their own stories whilst building bridges between the various institutions in the Ruhr Area. With the Moondog from the production of the same name by Fidena (Figurentheater der Nationen), a particularly beautiful and beloved prop has already found a new home for a while at the Materialverwaltung.

In cooperation with Hanseatische Materialverwaltung, Hamburg.


The project Materialverwaltung on Tour was part of Ruhr Ding: Territorien and could be seen in front of the Colosseum in Bochum from May 4 to June 30, 2019.