Haltern am See: Silbersee II

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As a supposedly natural place, the Silbersee II is the perfect complement to the urban exhibition locations of the Ruhr Ding: Klima. Here, art and visitors are relentlessly exposed to the climatic conditions and the physical experience at the bathing lake enables a completely different art experience. One of the first decisions concerning the Climate edition was to invite Vlado Velkov, a guest curator whose exhibition project Odyssee im Möhnesee 2017 made a lasting impression. Working with the artists in and around water provides an elegant way of opening up the unwieldy subject to sensory experiences from the outset. With the water and the weather at the lake, climate is inescapably present. The motion of swimming around a sculpture, the act of swimming to a floating platform, or the relaxed, almost unconscious reception of art on the lake bank override all the regular art-business ways of looking at art: there are no floors, no walls, no pumps, and no smart suits. The difference between art audience and bathers blurs in a mist of sunscreen, if you let it. This is about mysterious apparitions and the history of the quarry pond, about possibilities to assemble, about shadows and meditation. There is a changing room and, of course, there has to be a sand sculpture. Strictly speaking, with the floating sculpture, there are even two works dedicated — not solely, but also — to sand as a material.




Silbersee II
Zum Vogelsberg
45721 Haltern am See

From Haltern-Sythen railway station it is about 15 minutes by bike to Silbersee II. By public transport, the lake can be reached by bus 273E. There are two car parks at Silbersee II, from both of which the artworks are within easy walking distance. There is an information point at the car park near Café Treibsand

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UKR Ruhrding Silbersee2 2021 c Daniel Sadrowski 2923 Specials ©


Confronted with the harsh reality of the Berlin property market the artists created their own housing, half shelter, half architectural installation made from recycled materials

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Climate Changing Room

The recurring disputes between ‚regular‘ and nudist bathers around the boundary between their two sections of beach provided Kasia Fudakowski with the inspiration for her work.

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In her artistic works Jeewi Lee searches for historical traces. She lays open what she finds and uses a range of techniques to make this comprehensible and tangible to the viewer.

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Take your Time. A multi-path walk for observations on ecology and vulnerability

At Silbersee II Deborah Ligorio will create an audio walk that focuses on natural phenomena around the lake.

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With the sculpture Treasure, Canadian artist Michel de Broin will build a monument to the natural resource of sand and its unique potential.

UKR Ruhrding Silbersee2 2021 c Daniel Sadrowski 0733 Specials ©

Assembly/ Spherical Semaphore

With Assembly, an octagonal island made of wood covered with a roof of brightly-patterned cloth that, Raul Walch has installed a place of community on the open wate.