Moving through the World. Reading and Talk with Lütfiye Güzel, Anneke Lubkowitz and Stephan Muschick
In the mid-twentieth century, the artist group Situationist International around the writer Guy Debord started engaging in self-experimentation. The aim was to explore how the urban environment influences perception and also behaviour in space. The so-called Situationists coined the term ‘psychogeography’ and, for example, agreed to deliberately get lost in foreign cities so as to expose themselves to new experiences and encounters.
Yet the question of how we (can) move through the world is not contingent on urban-planning conditions alone. It is strongly dependent on existing individual factors like skin colour, citizenship, gender, and class affiliation. This question can be posed on many different levels and directly addresses the issue of how to participate in public space.
In the scope of this event, we will jointly investigate various modalities of navigating the world. One topic involves personal experience and how it can be applied to others, for instance through literature, while others deal with mentally experiencing one’s surroundings or with how current geopolitical contexts condition movement in space.
An event carried out in cooperation with the E.ON Stiftung
Organized by Saalbau Witten.
- Festival
The project Moving in the world. Reading and talk with Lütfiye Güzel, Anneke Lubkowitz and Stephan Muschick took place as part of Ruhr Ding: Schlaf from 5.5.-25.6.23 in Witten.